Sunday, April 17, 2011

U19 Season Starts with a BANG

So I arrive to the field of the U19 game to see about 3 police cars and one of our DL talking to a policeman. Turns out as he was arriving, he witnessed a person shooting at a car. Quite a way to start your morning. We were also in a rough area of Denmark from what I understand. The team we played is a first year team made up of kids with a rough background to keep them off the streets of this area. The game ended 30-0 in the first quarter in our favor. They last play, some bodies got tangled up, and one of their OL broke his leg pretty bad, and ambulance was called and everything. The same kid that was a witness to a shooting, was at the bottom of a pile responsible for a broken leg. Talk about a day!

Yesterday, we beat the Amager Demons 58-0. It is their first year in the National League, and their first two games are against us! Our backup QB played the whole game and did amazing. He's a really smart player and had some incredible throws. My highlight came in the form of a dislocated (sort of) finger. It was the same finger I broke in high school. I was rushing a punt and hit my hand awkwardly on a guy, and at like the second joint from the tip of the finger, it like popped back onto the top of the other. That's the best I can do with words, it looked cool and felt weird. The trainers could not (legally I believe) pop it back, but one of our players is in med school and he was able to give it a tug and set it. It happened in the 4th quarter I think and I was legally unable to finish the game from what I was told. I had X-Rays done and there is nothing more wrong with it, it's just fat and colorful. We did have a defensive TD, but it was a corner and not one of the DL unfortunately.

We have the next week off from training since we don't play until May 7th, which is a huge game. That game is against the Coventry Jets in England, and if we win that game, we advance in the EFAF tournament, which would be fantastic for our club.

Yesterday, I also had the great time of talking to Billy and Brenton (and Badger for a bit) through Skype for a bit. It was fun to talk to them and hear about the spring game and their nights running wild in Kirksville.

I hope everything back in the states is great and hopefully the weather is getting nice. It's basically a grab bag as to what we will get here, but I'm used to that!

1 comment:

  1. looks like you are having a great time. Jen and Jer and all the kids say hello. GOOD LUCK IN YOUR GAMES
