Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sweet 16

I am still coming down from the exciting game over the weekend. Watching the film and making notes just got me more excited to play again. We have recently cracked the European Top 20 with the win, coming it at number 16. It's a pretty awesome accomplishment for our team, and I'm looking forward to playing again this weekend.

A week ago I took a ferry from Helsingor into Helsingborg, Sweden. Helsingor is home to Kronborg castle, and I just saw it from the ferry and it looks freaking awesome. Over in Sweden, we just sort of walked around looking for a good place to eat. What was really cool was the castle that we saw. It was awesome and we got some great pictures from way up high. We ended up eating at a McDonald's, nothing too crazy. The wild thing was that McDonald's had hot wings. They weren't anything great, but they weren't bad for McDonald's food.

This is the original wall of the castle. It is the only part still standing as one of the King's ordered the removal of the rest. It was a pretty neat thing to see. The next few pictures are from the high bridge in the middle.

The picture above is as I looked to the left from the top of the bridge. The one on the right is looking to the right. The really cool looking building would be the city hall. In the way background you can see the water. It was a pretty cool view from up there.

It was a really fun time in Sweden and is the first country I got to travel too. What amazed me was just how quick it took. It was probably a 30 minute car ride to get to the ferry, and the ferry is maybe 15 minutes, but it doesn't seem like that at all. Luckily, I took some pills, so I didn't get motion sick!

I already wrote about the freaking awesome game. It was a blast to play, and of course we went out Saturday night to celebrate. The French were invited out with us and some of them came out, along with their American QB, who I spent some time talking to. He was really nice and enjoyed Denmark. It seems I have it quite nice here, as everyone speaks English, and that's not so in France. It's tough for him communicating plays to the offense because hardly anyone can understand him. He was a very good QB, and you could tell, he could fling the ball effortlessly down field, would just stand calm in the pocket, and could move when he needed. It is pretty neat to have been able to talk to a UCLA guy as well as sack him a few times. I of course also had a blast hanging with the Gold Diggers. We were all so pumped up and it was nice to hear them telling me good game. I enjoy hearing that, but our defense played really well and its easy to have a good game when you have great players around you.

The drink of the night was Carlsberg. I was back at LA Bar, which was where I was the first night out and has the 10 tequila shots for 100 DKK, but luckily I did 0 of those. It was happy hour (at like 10:30 when we got there) so draft beers were 20 kroner, so we had a few of those. When that ended, they has 4 bottles of Carlsberg for 100, so we would just buy some and find someone without a beer that needed one. Just wanted to give an example how much things can cost.

Sunday was a pretty lazy day despite the great weather. It was gorgeous outside, so I took my time walking to the store and enjoyed it a bit. I was a bit sore from the game, and their was a Modern Family marathon on, so I took full advantage of that.

Monday I watched the game and sent out notes to the DL. It was great watching it the second time around as well. I also went to the gym and enjoyed another beautiful day in Denmark. Unfortunately all of that would change Tuesday, as it was cloudy and rainy and windy all day. When U19 practice rolled around, it was so cold, windy, and rainy. I, as well as the players, were pretty cold. I knew it was cold when I had a DL asking if we could do some running to warm up. Fine with me! The seniors took the night off to watch film and recover from the dings of the first game.

Today I have went to gym and I am about to break down some film on the Demons for our game this weekend. The nice thing is the Demons field is about 5 minutes away from where I live, so its right in my neck of the woods. On Sunday, the U19 guys open their season against a new team, the Cadets. From what I understand, this team is made up of guys who come from rougher backgrounds at home, and this coach has gone around forming teams of these guys and teaching them football. It sounds like an awesome thing to me, so we don't really know what to expect. The seniors then have 2 weeks until another game week when we travel to Coventry to play the Jets in the second part of out EFAF games. If we win that game, we would advance to the semi-finals!

And finally, CONGRATULATIONS to my cousin Jessie and newest cousin Shay, who were married over the weekend. All the videos looked like a blast and wishing you the best!

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