Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hangin With the Son of Roy Orbison

What a great last 24 hours.

Yesterday I wandered down the street to the local Aldi to check things out. I could only gather so much info from pictures, so I only grabbed a couple of things----cereal, bananas, and some juice. Turns out the juice I got is concentrate, so I will need to add water to it. I'm glad Esben told me before I decided I hate Danish juice.

I then spent some time going over the playbook and taking some notes. Kim then picked me up around 4 to get my gym membership to Fitness World. We went to the one by his place and got everything taken care of. I even got a nice new gym bag and a lock for my things. This one was super nice with about 4 levels. The bottom one has machines, middle was lockers and some cardio machines. Up some stairs got to the free weight area, and then there was another level above that I didn't check out. I did some leg stuff and it was neat/ weird to look out the windows on the 4th floor of this building and see Copenhagen.

After lifting, I went back to Kim's and showered quickly. However, I didn't know I was going straight back so I had to borrow some socks and a shirt from Kim. I think I looked pretty good in the Denmark American Football red, but that's just my opinion. After I showered, I went down to Troels' apartment since he lives right under Kim, and Kim was having a meeting with Carlos. We had a beer and talked about Copenhagen nightlife and the Danish school system. I also was able to again hear about Troels' lead singing skills that I would get to see later.  He was not lying to me when talking about his vocal and performance skills.

A little later, we went back to Kim's for the dinner Mille was cooking. All the coaches joined for a brief meeting and some drinks. Kim bought some Coors Light (his favorite) and Corona's for the evening enjoyment. Troels brought some Grey Goose down a little later in the night as well. Dinner was a traditional Danish winter meal from what I understood. I believe it was pork that resembled much thicker cut bacon, as well as potatoes and a gravy. It was absolutely delicious. I could have probably eaten the whole feast for myself it was so good, although I would have gotten pretty sick!

After dinner the festivities started. Kim broke out the rock band with the Bass, Guitar, Drums and Mic. I was finally able to see Troels' world famous performance skills. I knew rock band was to be taken seriously when Kim put on his tattoo armband sleeve. We started with Metallica songs. It was fantastic. Troels has fantastic stage presence and that was felt almost immediately. He was able to master everything from Metallica, to Spice Girls, to his long lost father Roy Orbison. He excelled at every genre, even managing to partially play drums and sing at the same time. I'm pretty sure we played a solid 4 hours, maybe more of rock band. It was so much fun, I had an absolute blast.

The night died down (early for their standards) at about 2. I slept on Kim's couch until about 9:45. I had breakfast with Kim and we watched some Hard Knocks while I waited for the U19 coach, Nicholas, to pick me up. Nicholas arrived around 10:30 and I went to his apartment along with some other U19 coaches to discuss the practice schedule and watch a bit of film. We also played a considerable about of FIFA and NCAA Football. Frederick and I were undefeated at everything we played together. It was a ton of fun playing those games and hanging out with the guys. Nick made some delicious pasta and we watched Die Hard 4 while we ate, then got back to more gaming.

Nick then brought me back home around 5 and it wrapped up my last 24 hours. It was an absolutely incredible time. The coaches were so much fun to hang out with, so much laughter and it was just a great atmosphere. Today was great because it was like being back home playing some video games.

Time to go watch some TV!

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