Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Denmark has Bieber Fever too!

The view down the street from right outside my apartment

The view across the street

So those are just a few pictures of my hood. It's pretty sweet walking outside everyday and being like oh yeah, I'm in Copenhagen.

The past few days have been much slower paced, which has been great. Saturday night, I sound like a loser--I went to sleep around 1. My favorite show Dexter was on, so I watched that as I went to sleep. Sunday, I just laid around and went over the playbook a little bit. I watched a little Modern Family and Always Sunny on my computer. For dinner Sunday, Esben and I got some pizza. It was about a 5 minute walk, and it was delicious pizza. I got the "Italian" which had onions and meat sauce. It was really good, and I was really hungry, so I ate that in about 5 minutes. It was about the size of a small pizza, most definitely bigger than one of those personal pizzas though. It was delicious and cost about 52 Krona.

Monday was another low key day. I slept until about 10, then decided to go to the local Netto to get some food. I had to look like an idiot in there because I looked around for at least 20 minutes at just everything that was there. I ended up buying some bread, bananas, cereal, milk, and nutella. After that, I planned out practice for Tuesday. I spent some good time thinking about what drills to do and how to communicate it. I basically wrote everything I thought about down, just so it would be in writing. Then, Esben got home around 7pm and we went back to Netto so he could make lasagna. He cooked, and I cleaned. It was crazy good, and I could have probably eaten all of it, but I had to share. This just means I have to cook the next meal, and it has to be equally as tasty. The night ended with me watching video of the scrimmage and making notes online. The team uses this site called HUDL, which makes watching video and making corrections a breeze. All the players look forward to watching the corrected video because they gain so much from it.

I got up at about 9:30 on Tuesday and at some cereal and a banana. I watched a little Everybody Loves Raymond and some Scrubs before I really did anything. I finalized the practice plan and went over the playbook a little more. I wandered the streets by my apartment and saw where our local gym was. It was a beautiful sunny day, although it was still pretty chilly. Carlos picked me up  and we were on our way to the U19 practice. Traffic was absolutely horrible and it took us what seemed like forever to get there. The practice started with special teams and I helped a bit with that. We then went into Defensive Indy time, my first chance at coaching. It was a blast working with the kids because 1--they are good and love football and 2--I got to teach football!! The time flew by fast and before I knew it, their practice was almost over and mine would be starting. I hurried up and put on my pads and stuff to get started. My helmet was terrible to put on because it was sitting out in the freezing cold. The padding inside was like rocks pressing against my head, but that became a non-issue pretty quickly. It was my first time running practice while playing. I would be a regular Jackie Moon (thanks Billy for the Semi Pro reference).  We had some solid Indy time and the players took to the drills really well. We are looking to do more as a defensive line, and I was able to teach some of the technique. The team picks it up really well and its a blast to be with the group of guys I'm with. We then had about 10 minutes of 1 on 1 with the O-Line before a solid Inside Run period. There is a lot to still work on, but we have a good unit to work with. I look forward to playing another team and progressing as a D-Line this season!

The car ride home was great. I found out that Denmark has caught Bieber Fever as well, and Troels may be his number 1 fan.  The most upsetting thing was that Denmark has not been introduced to Bieber 3D. I could tell it made Troels and Kim a little mad, but they would get over it. I also think Troels is growing out his hair to get to the Justin Bieber---it would suit him naturally. It's always a blast with the coaches which correlates (I think of Lou Holtz when I hear that word) to the field.

And now I'm sitting here with Jersey Shore in the background. It's like I've never even left!


  1. Never even left! Shows how much you miss the 'ol GF haha


  3. think i got it...who doesnt have beber fever is the question.
