Thursday, March 3, 2011

Back in Action

Before I get started, let me say that Jersey Shore: Miami is on right now, and it makes me feel great inside. I just want to know what happens between Sam and Ron, it's eating at me!

I got my first taste of Danish football tonight. It all started when I got a ride from Carlos, the U19 defensive coordinator. Like everyone else I've come across, he is an awesome person to talk to and easy to get a long with. We arrived to our practice facilities and Carlos, Myself, and Troels (a different Troels, he helps the U19 team with the lines as well as the senior team) had a meeting to just get me acquainted with the team and who the big players are and to talk terminology. I basically spectated this practice to get an idea what they know and what they need to work on. As with any club team, there are some dudes who are just athletic and can play, and some that need some work. It seems the attitude is right and they can learn alot and hopefully benefit from what I will bring. I have a meeting Saturday morning with the U19 staff to get me filled in and running with the D-Line.

After that, we had to get off the field because of a soccer (football?) match taking place. It's bass ackwards here---soccer gets the field when they want and we make use of what we have. So the senior team had meetings as an offense and defense. Defensively we talked the playbook and expectations and then I was able to have one on one time with the D-Line. It was a crazy feeling knowing that I'm their coach, but I basically spent that time getting to know the guys, talk our expectations as a D-Line (we are scoring a few touchdowns), and a bit of technique stuff. I want to make this as easy on them as possible and use as much of the same terminology as possible, and I want them to get better, so I just let them know to feel free to openly communicate with me if they have questions on how certain things apply to game situations. We have a good line, so I want to help them become the best D-Line in Denmark.

After that, I scrambled to get ready for my first practice. We started off with a run because of dress code from what I gathered. I had a translator tell me and when I saw everyone start to run, I just followed. We then did our movement warmup and had 15 minutes of indy (individual) time. Since we were scrimmaging after, I didn't want to introduce anything new so they guys would be playing instead of thinking. We did some first steps, some get offs, a little bit of hitting, and some pass rush stuff. We got a lot in with that 15 minutes which is awesome because it demonstrates how much the guys are willing to put in and learn.

We then began the scrimmage and I got 8 plays. I couldn't tell you how I did or what was going on, I was just excited to be out there. It was simple defense, so I understood what was happening. It was funny just getting back into football and starting with a scrimmage. It was a good gauge to see where I am and what Danish football is all about. I was really impressed watching our D-Line during the scrimmage. It seemed every play, we had a few guys in the backfield causing chaos.

After practice, I talked to a lot of the guys in the locker room. It's incredible how accepting they are of me. They are so outgoing and go out of their way to talk to me and make sure I'm enjoying Denmark. I then went back to the kebab place with a bunch of the guys. Its a really good place and its fun eating with them. I then got home and turned on the TV and started watching some Jersey Shore.

Tomorrow, I plan on going to Aldi and getting some things and get my first out alone in Denmark time. I am going to get my gym membership with Kim tomorrow, and then at night we are having a coaches gathering I am looking forward to.

Good Night America and enjoy a new Jersey Shore for me!


  1. glad that you still have jersey shore to comfort you.

  2. when do we get to see action shots of you?
