Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It's Go Time

The paperwork has gone through and tomorrow will be my first official day as part of the Gold Diggers. I'm so relieved it went this quickly, and I'm more than ready to be out there.

Today was a pretty lazy day of recovery for me. I slept until about 9am, then again from about 1-4. It felt great. After that, I went to get fitted for a helmet, and then to Kim's apartment for a coordinator meeting with the OC John, and DC Troels as well as Kim. It was great to see how things work and what kind of planning they do. While we were meeting (I was more of a spectator), Mille was hard at work in the kitchen making a phenomenal dinner. She made a Greek Salad as well as Danish Meatballs. It was all very great and we enjoyed that after the meeting. I also received my Nokia phone today, so I need to play around with it to get used to it.

I still enjoy riding in the car around Copenhagen and taking in the sights. I am becoming more familiar with the area I live, however not quite enough to venture out on my own. I may go down to the Aldi tomorrow, but who knows. I'm still riding a high of knowing I will get to be back out on the field tomorrow.

Bed time now, good night all!

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