Friday, October 14, 2011

Last One

So I guess this will be my last post from Denmark. I don't like thinking it's over but I guess its a good time to reflect how lucky I am to have had this opportunity.

This was truly an experience I will never forget. From the moment I got in front of the team, they accepted me, even though I was wearing some Truman Purple. I tucked that stuff away and got to work with the guys with the goal of winning the Mermaid Bowl. We made a great run through the EFAF, winning our first international game, then traveling to Coventry to put a hurting on those guys. I'll never forget traveling to London to play the Blitz, and just the stunning looks on everyone face when walking the field. Glass, rocks, and other miscellaneous chunks were all over the place. Watching those guys pick it up was great, but its a same it came down to that. I thought that was a tough loss, but I know as a DL we gained a lot of experience playing them. I know as a team we did, because we saw how big and fast they were. The EFAF was a great gauge on where we stand on a European level.

Finishing 9-0 in DAFF play was special. I have never had an undefeated regular season in anything, and these guys deserved it. I absolutely loved working with my DL. They came to work every day and soaked in everything I was giving them. They asked their questions and I would do my best to answer, and they never complained about anything. I don't know if I was the greatest coach ever, but they sure made me feel that way. I loved being on the field with those guys and could trust everyone around me. This team was extraordinary, and I am thankful to have been a part of that regular season. Obviously the Mermaid Bowl didn't go our way, but in the big picture, the season was a success. I still can't shake those moments out of my head, but I know I can over time.

As for the U19 boys, I had a blast with those guys. It was a drama filled season at points, but I feel coach Nick did a great job keeping them focused with their eyes on the prize. I learned a lot from coaching those guys, basically due to attendance and figuring out the best way to coach 3 people as opposed to 10 people. I don't know how it is with other teams, but I doubt they have the ability to do the things we are doing at practice, and I hope our guys realize that. Because we do what we do, they are getting better at their trade.

Of the field, I clearly had some great experiences. My favorite part was clearly Audrey visiting in the summer break and our quest around Europe. I will never get tired of telling our Rome to Munich story, ever. When it comes to nights out in Denmark, I think I had my share of good ones. From the first "night" with the coaches, to this weekend with the DL and players, I cannot say enough how thankful I am for everything those guys have done for me. From buying drinks to walking me to the nearest Metro station that is our of their way, to grabbing a cab with me back to Amager, these guys have been great. I have never been denied a ride from practice, and had a blast riding back home with Sunshine and Nickelsen after practices. It's stupid little things like that that I will miss. These guys are just great at making you feel at home and one of the guys. I'll also miss the few Sunday night NFL parties I've been a part of. I enjoyed watching the games with everyone. I'm glad they let me flip to the baseball game to check on my Redbirds, and hopefully I got some hooked, haha!

I am excited to get home an see everyone, and sleep in my huge bed, but the athlete in me is frustrated I have to leave. After not winning the Mermaid Bowl, the journey almost feels incomplete, like my time was wasted since I couldn't get it done. I know that's not true at all, but I will always feel like the trip was missing a little something. I would love to be able to come back and work with these guys for another chance. I know the Razorbacks' Americans and the Towers' American are coming back. The hardest part of the loss was just knowing that was my last game, and I can do nothing to help get the trophy back. Now I know what Brett Favre felt like. I would have been a lot easier to leave if we sucked, but since we are a great team with a clear chance to win next year, I feel like I should be there. I know these guys are going to work like crazy, because that's their character and how much they care for this team.

As for the weekend, it's get as much time in with these guys as possible. I hate the unknown, and not knowing when I will see these guys again kills me. I am pretty packed up, and think I'll be fine, but I need to grab some last minute souvenirs one of these days. It's a tough feeling leaving as I said. Everyone has been so great, but there is always this awesome feeling of being home and seeing the people I haven't seen in so long. Also, as a lot of the guys have pointed out, just the cheap prices of everything will be nice. I always love eating with the players because it ends up with us talking about how cheap all the food is in the US. Well, I don't have much more to say, and hopefully everyone knows how great they have been to me and how thankful I am to all of them!

No I am not in this picture. It was halftime during the Mermaid Bowl, and I hate that I am not with them!

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