Wednesday, August 3, 2011

European Journey Part 4- Germany

So we get to Munich around 8am a bit sleepy, but much better rested than if we had to sit in a chair all night. We spend some time in the train station and got some coffee and breakfast. We then checked our luggage and got a map and went into Munich. We were meeting the Brinks around 11 at the Glockenspiel, so we headed out there around 10. It was about a 10 minute walk in the rain. It was about 60 degrees and rainy in Munich after seeing 90 degrees and sunny for a week, so we were pretty unprepared for that. Audrey bought a sweatshirt and we had to buy a new umbrella since we couldn't find ours (turns out it was just in the bottom of Audrey's bag). I don't know much about this Glockenspiel things except that it wasn't destroyed in WWII and it's extraordinary underwhelming. Twice a day it does this little dance thing that's hard to explain, but it drags on for like 5 minutes and it's not very cool. I wonder how cool people thought it was like 60 years ago.

We walked around Munich for a little bit and had a couple beers before catching the train back to Bamberg. I did a pretty good job of sleeping all the way back, and I'm not really sure when we got back. In the evening, we met up with some of David's buddies and got some food. It was so good. I got pork shoulder that came with some weird potato dumpling thing and some like mashed broccoli I think. It was all very filling and super good. It was a pretty low key night as we headed home from there.

Sunday morning we slept in which felt wonderful. Lizzi cooked some breakfast and while that was going on we took a ride with David to where they do some rock climbing. We took a pathway up to a big rock that overlooked the area with some great views. We got back and ate some breakfast then we started the our real day by going out and seeing a castle which provided another wonderful view.
It was pretty cool to see hills and mountains, since that landscape is nonexistent here in Denmark. From there, we started a brewery tour around 1 in the afternoon on a Sunday. We went out to all the little breweries in Bamberg and some of his friends from last night met us along the way, even one in full lederhosen. We went to 6ish places and saw some neat churches along the way.  After a wonderful day of beers, brats, and playing BS, we headed back to start packing up and ready ourselves for our adventures Monday morning. We got up nice and early Monday morning and got a ride to the train station. Monday was an uneventful day of traveling which was nice. Basically 5 hours of train rides then an hour of flying and we were back. It felt pretty good to be back, but we were getting sad since we knew it meant Audrey's time here was coming to a close.

Tuesday, Audrey packed and we went to get her some souvenirs before practice. There was some kind of scout convention or something since kids in uniform were running around everywhere. Audrey watched out practice and got to meet some of the guys before getting a post-practice meal at Kosk with the coaches. Wednesday unfortunately came and we parted ways at the airport. It was clearly sad to see her go, but we were so lucky to have been able to see and do what we did. It seemed so long ago that we were in Copenhagen doing a canal tour, almost like a different time. Audrey left, Esben was at the National Team camp, so I had the place all to myself. Audrey made it home safely and is now prepping for her first year of school, and I am in the middle of our game week with the Towers. I haven't done too much in my week since. The biggest highlight was going to a Running Sushi place with some of the guys Friday night. I had zero clue what I was doing and was pretty horrible with the chopsticks. For the first about 5 minutes I was holding them backwards, but turning them around didn't help much at all. It was pretty good food and a good evening.

Football is back and we are in the end swing of our season. Life goes on!

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