Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Back in Business

Sorry for the long delay in keeping you guys updated with my spectacular life. Computer stopped working about a week ago, and with the help of some of the guys, I resuscitated it and it's now working, although every time I turn it off, I pray it turns back on, but that's not interesting at all.

So lots to talk about, but I'll be brief. I'll start with the Knights weekend. The U19 won 56-6 in the 3rd quarter I think. The fields don't have scoreboards, so I use my iPod to punch in the score as it happens, otherwise I go nuts trying to remember everything. The next day, the seniors did the same thing and won like 55-0. Pretty awesome to throw a shut out at them. Defensive line wise, it wasn't our best game which was disappointing, but at the same time, its a bit comforting to know we have a good enough team around us to pick us up when we aren't playing the best.

Most of last week was spent trying to revive my computer. I only really need it to watch film and get notes out for the guys, and I guess to keep in touch with everyone back home, but that's really it. Due to it not functioning and TV getting boring, I ended up reading a nutrition book I brought with me in like 3 days, which is unreal with how slow I generally read and how my mind wanders around. I was pretty proud of myself. The sad thing I guess is that it was a book I "read" in my nutrition class at Truman when I was a sophomore. It was nice to finally read it though, some good stuff in there.

We put in two pretty solid practices leading up to our game against the Rebels, who came into the game second in our conference with a 6-2 record to our unblemished 7-0 record. They have quite possibly the fastest player in Denmark as their QB/WR and is very dangerous when he gets the ball in his hands. They also  would feature a few key players who didn't participate in the 48-20 Gold Diggers win the first time around. Their defense played tough and kept them in the game with a touchdown early in the game to make it a 14-7 halftime score for the Gold Diggers. Both offenses couldn't seem to muster much, as defense seemed to be the theme for the day. At the end of the day, we prevailed with a 28-13 victory. The Rebels had roughly 180 yards of total offense, with 85 of those coming on one scramble by their American QB. No one here believed a white guy could run that fast until they saw him. It gave a lot of the Danish guys hope to think they could one day speed like that. After watching the film of this game, I was much more pleased with the pressure we were putting on their Danish QB. He was constantly had like 2 seconds to throw before one of us was in his face, chucking the ball off his back foot and completed like 5 passes if I had to guess. I don't think he's too big a fan of me......

Early in the game, I hit him as he was throwing and he mumbled God knows what to me. In the 3rd quarter, after his like 2nd interception of the day, I blocked him, and knocked him over as the play was ending, and again he said something. Now this fella doubles as their kicker/ punter and is very good at that. Being that I am on the punt return team, I guess that was his time to get some revenge. I as trail back to get to the punt and see it bouncing backwards and hearing the "peter" calls to get away, I throttle down and start to take it to our sideline. Next thing I know I get slightly brushed from behind and its the bozo punter "getting me back for hitting him" after he threw a pick. He said something like "thats for hitting me" or something stupid that a football player shouldn't say, I just said don't throw us the ball and you won't get hit and walked away. I like to think I made his day by letting him hit me, so I felt good by making him feel good about his performance.

So with that win, we clinched the first round by in the playoffs. Our next game is a couple weeks away when we play the Razorbacks, which could be a preview of this year's Mermaid Bowl. We also have the honor of playing against two UConn guys, a DL/OL and a do it everything WR/DB. Should be an exciting matchup of two unbeaten teams to round out the season before the playoffs. What should be an equally exciting matchup the day before our game is the Rebels-Towers game, which decides the 2nd and 3rd seed in our division.

I now have a couple weeks off due to the U19 National Team participating in the European Championships. They will get to face Germany and Austria, and the Gold Diggers have 16 players going, which is freaking great. We have a bunch of senior coaches going as well, so we do not have the senior practice, but the U19 practices will continue, which will be interesting to see what kind of turn out we get at that. I play on seeing some things I haven't seen, castles and such, and praying for some SUN. We have had a couple of nice days, but as a couple of the guys said a couple of weeks ago, the summer went south for the summer this year, as there really hasn't been any solid string of warm, sunny days. It has been nice recently, but it will be sunny and great when I go to the gym around 10, then at noon, it will get cloudy and breezy, then I head out to practice and its sunny and humid, it's so crazy. The worst thing for me is that the beach is so close, and it's never really been "beach weather" while I've been there. I hate it because I will probably never live this close to the beach again in my life. So that's all I really have to complain about, life is rough right?

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