Monday, June 27, 2011

The Most Exciting Game in Danish History, ever!

So it has been a lazy June for me when it comes to writing I guess. Sorry about that. I'll do my best to recap the last couple weeks.

After we played the Rebels, we had a bye week, which was pretty boring for me, mainly since U19 started their summer break as well. I met up a few times with some of the guys to do some running and that was about the highlight of my week I guess. I cleaned my room as well, but that last for like 3 days, and its back to crap.

Then, it was the biggest game week for us in Denmark. We practiced Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Leading up to those days, I watched a lot of film on those guys to try to get a good idea of what they have and what they may try to do on us. Practices were practices as normal, and we got some really good work in, especially our Thursday practice, which may have been one of the best ones the DL has had since I've been here. It's a good feeling being pleased after your last practice of the week leading into the biggest Danish game of the year.

After practice, I went with Kim and his parents, and one of our DBs, Lindsø on Kim's family's sailboat. The night is the Danish Midsummer celebration. I got a quick history lesson about the whole thing, but as usual, it was too much for me to handle. I believe there were a couple holidays in a row, so they just made this one to make it easier. I'm probably wrong, but its a good try I hope. There are tons of bonfires along the beach, and the fires are highlighted by the burning of witch figures made of wood I guess. This has something to do with witch burnings of the past. I just remember they are burning the witch to send it back to Germany. We were joined by the Rebels head coach, Johan and his wife, and their American, Mike. They are some great people to hang out with, and Mike is obviously an extremely intelligent guy (I guess that's what happens when you go to the real Harvard). I had an incredible time on the beautiful boat. Kim's mom, Sanne had sandwiches made and drinks ready for us, which was specctaular! We stopped to get ice cream and I got the most mammoth thing ever. Four scoops, which I got caramel, raspberry, orange, and pineapple, topped with soft serve, and finished with two creme balls basically jammed into the side. It also came with some other toppings, but I was so mesmerized with how HUGE that thing was, I told my ice cream man to just add whatever he wants, and I got some sprinkles, and I don't really know what else, it was just a huge blue eating it. I'm not going to lie, I struggled to finish it, but I got it down! I got back home around 1, and got to sleep.

On Friday, I went to witness another Danish tradition. The kids of high school age have recently graduated form school (gymnasium as it is called), and they purchase these sailor hats that have different colors to signify different schools I believe. Its nuts to me they are just finishing up school and its the end of June. They start back up in the beginning of September. I had to ask a couple people about this, as I was super confused when I kept hearing about people having exams and stuff. I really thought it was just summer classes or something, but nope, still school. Ok, back to the grads. When they get these hats, they basically have the right to act however they want, and there is no problem with it. I'm glad I got this background, since I have seen people in the hats and had zero clue what they meant, and really thought kids were just into nautical adventures.
Then, there is one day when everyone from a class rides around in these big trucks and go to each persons house and grabs some food and a drink, and they always stop at this place in Copenhagen. I decided to check it out for myself, and it was pretty wild.
Kids are climbing on statues and going nuts in these cars; people are honking and cheering like crazy at them. I got some pictures and a video, and I must admit, I felt a little creepy taking pictures of random kids, but it was for an experience I'll never see. At least that's how I justified it. I am also like 90% sure there was some music video being shot, since there was this dude and a bunch of people off in a corner of the square area with loud music and a camera in his face and him singing and doing hand gestures. Maybe I saw a future international superstar!

Saturday I went to support the Rebels as they played the Demons. It turned out to be an extremely one sided, semi-snoozer as the Rebels won like 65-0. The Demons couldn't complete a pass, let alone a handoff as they seemed to fumble every drive. The Rebels are fun to watch and have been putting up points lately.

Okay, now to the good part I guess. I always have trouble remembering what goes on. We won 41-40 with a TD and PAT with about 50 seconds left in the game. It was a fantastic back and forth game. I had my first kickoff return ever after a horrible day blocking on kickoff return (I'm way too impatient and well, just bad at it). We have a certain return when it is kicked to the guy in my position. I have run it a few times in practice, and the other guys who usually plays where I have has done it a couple times in games. I was ready for the kick, which may have gone out of bounds, but I caught it and it like the split second between getting ready to catch and running backwards, I'm thinking fair catch-NO, make the catch- Yes. I catch it an see the guys really close to me and am now thinking there is no way I'll get back, so I should go out of bounds, but that was over ruled by doing what we repped. So I got about 5 yards back and knew I was going to get hit, so I made sure I wouldn't lose the ball and got tackled. For my career, I have 1 kickoff return for -5 yards, a real Devin Hester! My first play switching from nose to tackle, I almost, and probably should, have taken the handoff on an outside run play. Also, they did a stupid pass pro and were basically tearing me down. Again, I'm about 80% sure they though I was last years Ryan, since one play where their American QB (who played an awesome game, super tough runner) tripped over my feet after a pass when their guard was sitting on me while I was on the ground, which was due to me beating him then getting tackled (as it feels in my mind), which caused him to land on me and not get up, which is a holding, which I don't think will ever get called here, which happened a ton of times, one time I even had time while he was on me to say "get off me champ" and he started to reply as the play was ending "I can't you're too fast" which made me laugh that he thought I could get tackled, laid on, then hop up to my feet and make a play, but I'll take a complement (and that actually did happen, I got by and kinda stumbled to the ground and their QB was getting ready to throw as I feel, and I rolled but it was a 3rd down, so I didn't want to get a stupid penalty and I laid off. Turns out he didn't throw, so I reached out and grabbed his legs, which startled him, then our U19 LB who was playing that day crushed him, so it was awesome). Back to the QB tripping over my legs though--after that happened I was just like hey didn't mean to and gave him a tap and he just smiled and tapped back and said something about Cal Poly, where last year's Ryan went. I was just like nope, last years dude, which again is great that they think I am him, since he was such an awesome player! I got a lot of love from that team, mostly for things that aren't true though.

So the game. It was back and forth as the Towers scored first and held as much as a 13-14 point lead. I lost track of the score since we were playing on their practice field with no scoreboard. It was most evident I had no clue of the score when we scored the game tying touchdown with less than a minute left. Leading up the that, the D was on the field, and I was almost positive we were down two scores. We forced a turnover on a bad 3rd down pitch and received the ball on their like 25 yard line. Things happened and they got ball back then we forced a punt and got good field position, then, our QB, who kicked ass as well, took it in for the score. I think that's what happened, I can't really remember. At that point people were real excited, and I'm just thinking okay, lets get this onside kick. I asked one of our DBs what the score was, and he said we are up 1 if we make the PAT. Now I'm shocked and hoping I didn't jinx anything as field goals and PATs were hard to come by that day. When they kick went in, we went nuts, it was great. The Towers had 40 seconds to cover the field, and started off going backwards with a couple illegal formation penalties. After a long heave with 1s left was batted down, we erupted as we beat our rival team! Everyone was jumping and hugging each other, and I just stood on the field yelling, rather tired with my arms in the air when I was greeting by a sprinting O-Lineman. I knew this was a huge game, but when offensive lineman sprint, you know they are excited about something! It was a true team effort, as everyone played a part--a couple of our U19 guys who played had a direct impact, from 2 point conversions to touchdowns on bad punt snaps to just playing hard throughout the game, these guys have a bright future if they absorb all the coaching. It was a great win and a fantastic way to start our summer break.

This week I am working basically a little camp for local kids ages 10-15. The first day was a blast, but it was a little awkward for me. The kids have never played football, but really, have NO IDEA what it is, besides throwing a ball around maybe. In the States, the kids may have never played, but they know the names of positions and what lineman do and all that. Here, I had to start from the ground and was thinking back to when I just started, what I was taught. You can tell a lot by a kids athletic ability by the way they get into a 3 point stance. The hardest part clearly had to be the language. Most of them understand English pretty well, but some are better than others. I had some help at some points and once we got some Danish translation for what I would be saying, things seemed to go a little smoother I would say. I also got really sunburned on my forearms and face, so now I look stupid. I also have this ridiculous longer hair, so I'm going to have an even dumber looking head tan line when I get this stuff. I'm definitely going sleeveless tomorrow.

The summer break has started for us, and Audrey is coming over in about a week. I'm super excited, mainly since its been forever, but also, I would probably lose my mind trying to figure out stuff to do during the break. She gets here early on the 7th, and we have a week in Copenhagen before we leave for a 10 day trip with stops in Krakow, Rome, and Munich. I'm really looking forward to it, especially since we have been planning for a while, and its all set now, we just have to do it.

Happy early 4th of July to everyone back home, I'm going to find some way to celebrate American style, might have to drink a Budweiser!

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