Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Game Week

So it's game week for the Gold Diggers as we prepare for a French Invasion. We are taking on the Cougars who are midway through their season in the French league. They are currently 3-3-1 with a lot of close games. They bring in a very solid offense with a focus on the pass led by their QB, Kevin Craft, who spent some time at UCLA. They have some very talented receivers and a pretty big, solid OL. It will be a good test. It's kind of a shame we open our season with this game, and they are midway through theirs, but it is a good test to see what level we are on in comparison to other European teams. Our team is pumped and we are working hard.

It's been a while since last time, and I have done quite a bit. On Monday night, I got a night tour from one of our offensive lineman. He had the week off of work and already got a bit restless, so he settled for taking the American around. He showed me some of the places that really pick up in the summer, we drove by the American Embassy as well as the American Ambassador's house. That part was pretty cool. We then just went to Stroget and walked around. I got my first Danish McDonald's--a McBacon and Mozzarella Stars, both items on the Coin Offers menu. The McBacon is basically a double cheeseburger with bacon, and mozzarella stars are cheese sticks in the shape of starts. The total was 30 kroner, which is about 6 bucks. A bit on the pricey side, but my guide for the night thoughtful took care of the bill. He got these cheeseball things that were basically like cheese sticks with pepperjack cheese in it. I tried one and they were fantastic.

The rest of the week was pretty typical, with practice on Tuesday and Thursday, and a bunch of free time on Wednesday and Friday. I usually go to the gym on the days we don't have practice, and some days when we do if I can't entertain myself.

Saturday was a blast of a day. We had a scrimmage against the Wolfpack. We had to be at the field at 9 am to set things up. It was our first time on the grass and it had rained a few days before so it was a bit muddy. Being that it is not a permanent football field, I also enjoyed my first experience putting up the uprights. It was a different thing, but not very tough, the hardest part was getting them even to the field.

The scrimmage started off slowly for us. This week, we were unable to hit their QB, so I think it slowed us down a step as DL because we were conscious of not hitting him. As the scrimmage went on, we really picked it up and got after him. We had 3 total TDs by defensive lineman, 2 by one of our ends, AG, and I had one of a bad snap on a punt. AG's first was recovered in the end zone, then on the punt, the punter tried to kick it out of the endzone but kind of whiffed, and our two guys that were ahead of my kind of took each other out and the ball squirted out right too me. It was pretty sweet I must say. The 2nd one by AG required the most work as he scooped and ran about 25 yards for the score. As a coach as well, I will take partial credit since I think we do a considerable amount of ball drills. The offense got rolling as well and put together a solid performance. I'm not sure how many touchdowns we had, but they only scored one. I like the way our teams play, we give so much more effort than other teams. Example, on their one TD, one of our DBs chased the receiver down and tackled him at the 2 yard line, and on film, he was flying the whole way. Then watching some games of the team we will play, there are times DL just stop rushing, or DBs give up on chasing a receiver.

Immediately after the game, Kim brought some drinks to the field, some beers, and some other drinks for those who were driving. It was the first time I have ever ended a game, then immediately popped open a beer on the field. Troels, our defensive coordinator, and Esben worked with me on opening the beer bottler with another bottle. I looked like a rookie, but I am becoming more confident in my skills. I will be a natural by the time I get home.

After the game, I went home and took a bit of a nap. We had a team dinner type thing about two hours after I got home. It was a meal of friend pork, potatoes and a gravy. This was the same meal that Mille made the first week I was here, so I had high expectations. Now I'm not saying I didn't enjoy this meal, but it didn't compare to how good it was the first time around. Being that it was all you could eat, I think I did some decent damage on the food.

After the meal was the team Hawaiian party at this club place, I really need to start paying attention to names, I just sort of follow people. Esben was nice enough to loan me a Hawaii shirt. It was a University of Hawaii shirt, so it was literally a Hawaiian shirt. It was a blast hanging out with the team. When we first arrived we had the place practically to ourselves, so it was so fun. It was great talking with everyone because they make an effort to make sure I'm having a good time and enjoying Denmark. It's nice to know I have a bunch of guys who will be there for me if I need anything, it's great. That's the thing about joining a team--you are immediately part of a great group working together, and you already make a bunch of friends! I really had fun there dancing like an idiot and just hanging out with the guys. I'm so appreciative of how well I get treated, I mean they all have their own friends from way before I got here, but I get welcomed in right away. The funniest part is some of the DL mess around and call me coach all the time, at least I feel like its messing around when we are out on a Saturday night, so I think they get a kick out of that.

People started leaving around 4:30 if I had to make a guess at the time, and I ended up going with AG, our defensive end (who I have started to call showtime), and Oelund, one of our great linebackers. We took a cab to a former linebacker's place and were there for about 15 minutes before Oelund passed out. AG and I decided to leave around 5:15 I guess, and we were obligated to write on the the sleepy guy, it was house rules. So I wrote USA just to leave my mark. Turns out Oelund was out until about 9, and luckily went to the bathroom and saw it before he left. He said it was sort of smudged, oh well. I want the record to show that I was going to write on his arm first, but I was directed towards the cheek. Peer pressure won. Like a true gentleman, AG walked me to the Metro and I took off. I got home around 6 and immediately slept until noon. I woke up and went to the store to get some food and had a pretty productive Sunday.

So far this week, we had a lighter practice on Monday to get familiar with the French plays, and our regular practice last night. I have been watching so much film trying to pick up anything, but they like to throw the ball, so for us as DL, its get to the QB and we will have a fun day. Tonight, there is a chance I might go with Alex, the OL guy, and take a ferry into Sweden. He called it "Junk Fooding" since apparently right when you cross, there are all sorts of fast food places. Tomorrow we have practice again, and Friday we have a lighter run through type practice I believe. The DL last year started meeting at one of the players houses on Friday to eat together and watch some last minute film. I love that idea, so we are going over to Rorbol, one of our HUGE, defensive tackle's places to spend some time together and ease any nerves that may be starting up.

I really look forward to this game and will post a recap as soon as I can. Wish the Gold Diggers some international luck!


  1. Yeahh Lets go Diggers!
    Love to read your story!

  2. Good Luck Gold Diggers! The Ploesser's from Missouri are cheering for you all!
